Monday, April 6, 2009

My Own Deep Thoughts (Circa 2002)

A really cool job would be to get paid to tear down an old house with a light saber.
  • Some of my best childhood memories are family vactions. I especially liked the part when dad put me in a burlap sack and kicked me down a mountain.
  • The cool thing about removable limbs is that you could really freak someone out by switching an arm and a leg.
  • My Own Deep Thoughts II

    Next time you see someone walking down the street with their neck craned forward, walking in a bit of a shuffle and flapping their arms intermittently, don't laugh cause maybe they have a condition that makes them this way.

    They say "Your real character is who you are when no one is looking". I guess I'm a booger pickin', nude, nose hair pluckin', wedgie pullin' moron.

    Maybe the question shouldn't be "The Chicken or the Egg?" but, did the first chicken have eggs for breakfast?

    Everyone always asks, "Why is the sky blue?". I have always wondered "How does the sky stay up there?"