Wednesday, July 11, 2007

mind test complete: you are a worm farmer

So, I don't mind getting paid less than a pizza delivery man to do design work. It's fun and I have met some cool and/or funny people. I have also met some weird and/or bossy poeple, but I can live with that.

But what I really want to say is, don't you think it would be great if we all had to take a mind-test to determine what we get to do in life and how much we get paid? I know it sounds very matrixy/communist, but, man, think of what the world would look like. There are some very stupid people in charge of the world.

If I took that test I would probably still be getting paid less than a pizza delivery man to do design work. That's cool. I am smart but not smarter than everyone else. But I bet my brother would be president because not only is he book smart, but he can kick anyone's ass at trivial pursuit. EVEN after several beers! WOWzee!

And I bet the AV Bear would be a cabinet member because, come on, that guy is the pop culture KING. So that's what he would be, pop culture czar of the USA.

I know who all the new janitors would be. But we will pay them OK. At least enough to afford a 900 square foot house in a deteriorating neighborhood. But those are the best kind, really. You develop a lot of character living in a place like that. I know, cos that's where I live. And I'm doing OK. Really good, actually.

I just wish that dumb people would have dumb jobs and smart people would have important ones, that's all. And then ppl like me will just go on living a full life with very little money, but surrounded by a lot of cool people. That's a good life in my opinion.
