Thursday, May 24, 2007

Mad Libs on the Toilet

In response to the previous post...

I do sleepwalk. It's rather terrifying not being able to control yourself in your sleep. Utterly terrifying. On one particular occassion I went into the guest room at my parents house when I still lived there and went through my visiting brother's suitcases. I took everything out of them and refolded everything and put them back in. So apparently I'm OCD while asleep. Awesome.

Another time I turned on every single light in my apt. and opened every drawer. Obviously I was looking for something. When I woke up I also found some old mad libs on the toilet seat. That's what I was looking for. Mad Libs.

Do you think that sleep walkers are living, if just for a moment, in a parrallel universe where Mad Libs are something really important? I like to think so.

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