- Tomatoes the size of softballs.
- Onions the size of um...softballs.
- Huge apples
- and oranges
- Pumpkins
- Potatoes
- Celery sticks as big as...softballs
- Even their non-produce is huge, like the meat and even the paper-towel rolls
- Strawberries as big as meteorites
Oh well, look at the bright side. If these hormones are causing the fruit to become "Super", they probably are doing the same for us. I've noticed I don't have anymore symptoms of puberty (we can argue whether this is due to my age -28-or the Wal MArt produce) I have heard parents saying their kids are growing up much faster these days. See? How bad can these hormones be? Maybe since my bananana had tough skin, by eating it I will too. Then you can level all your insults at me and nothing will hurt me.