Friday, October 26, 2007

What Do You Think of That??

If I knew you, the reader, I would come in when you least expect it and slap you across the face. While you held your cheek, looking at me in bewilderment I would stare at you blankly for 10 seconds and then proceed the rearrange the furniture in your room or office. Right as I was about to leave I'd just say "What do you think about that?"
See, if you could float about 200 ft. in the air and watch life happening, you'd see all these cars driving neatly where the should and parking in spaces aligned for them. You'd see people going where their told and sticking to pre programmed time schedules. BORING!! Where is the creativity??? When I was little I wanted to do things my own way. Not in a rebellious way, I just wanted to have my own slant on everything I did or had or made. Somewhere along the line, boring adults tell you 'you have to do this or that. You have to do it this way or that'. Without even realizing it we live life in a box! And I'm tired of it.
Things are going to change and Charity is documenting it:
Oh and this explains it without words:

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Soul in the Brain

Do you ever think about where your soul actually resides? I think by the process of elimination we know it must sit in our head. I mean, think about it, much like automobiles, all of our parts are interchangeable. Even an organ as important and intricate as the heart can be transplanted! Amazing! But the one accessory that we can't order from the hospital for replacement is the brain. If you switched someone's brain, you'd switch them.
Imagine that...let's say you're in an accident in which your body was beyond repair while your brain remained unscathed. Meanwhile a patient in another room lies in a coma with a perfectly usable body. Has this ever been tried before??? Isn't that creepy? They should make a movie about this (or maybe they have...actually...I'm sure there is something like this out there) So you wake up a week later and the first thing you notice is your hands....they're not yours.... What? what the heck??? You start freaking out as you begin to examine your entire body. You start sweating and your heart is racing as you climb out of the hospital bed and find a mirror. What you see in the mirror sends a shock of horror through your being. Your face doesn't match the one you have seen in the mirror in all of your memories. Can that really happen?
So I wonder what happens if they plop your brain into an animal...say a golden retriever. Why won't that work? All the wires don't pug in and match up I suppose.
What about those "wires", the nerve attachments.... if we figured that out could we maybe make wireless connections? A brain in a lab somewhere controlling a body downtown. The body wonders into a candy shop where there is a low hanging display for gummy bears. The controlling brain misjudges the body's height and hit the head on the sign making a very hollow sounding "thump".
At this point others in the candy shop are on to the fraud. Nobody's head sounds that hollow. In fact, when they look at the body in the eye they can tell there is no soul. OK I'll shut up now-this is enough imagery for your week leading up to Halloween :)

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Rat's Ass

I was listening to Folk Radio on Live365 when the commercial broke through the Ethel Caffie-Austin's John the Revelator asking "What is the difference be you and the millions of millionaires out there?" at which point my brain screamed I don't give a rat's ass! The reason behind the reaction isn't my point, but it's because one, are there really MILLIONS of millionaires out there? and two, are you kidding? the difference between me and them is they have a lot of money! And my reaction of not caring is because they're going to feed me a line of BS about how I can be a millionaire too. The Bible warns us against "Get Rich Quick" Schemes. ANYWAY! My point is, why did I say I don't give a rat's ass! ? Where did this term come from? Can I logically conclude that giving a rat's ass means caring? Should I say that from now on when someone tells me how hard their week has been, should I say "Oh man, that sucks...I give a rat's ass" ? And why a rat's ass? Are the origins of this idiom based in truth? Is there some kind of ancient custom of people cutting the hind end of of a rat to show their benevolence to someone??? Why don't keep the custom going? There could be a special bin where biology majors toss "used" rats after dissecting them and they could sell them as Benevolence Rat's Asses.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Life Lessons and the Art of Snowboarding

I picked up snowboarding way later than most of my friends, so I got to watch them doing 360 tail grabs while i was still falling on my ass every 5 seconds. I learned quickly though and my first season on a board my buds were already taking me on tree runs. I put some good nicks on my board, good bruises on my butt, shoulders and hands from hitting trees. One of my buddies, after noticing how sap covered I came out of the trees, told me some of the best advice I have ever learned that carries through to others sports and even life itself. "Pick a path and look where you want to go, not at the trees!" It was hard to get myself to do it-how do you not look at that tree you're about to collide with and hard!? But I quickly found out he was so right. When I ignored the trees, suddenly I wasn't headed for them anymore.
A couple weeks ago I took a motorcycle training course where we were instructed to weave some offset cones. At first it seemed nearly impossible not to hit the cones. Sure enough though, the instructor told us "You will go where you look! If you look at the cone you will hit it!" So when I applied my snowboarding skills and looked through the obstacles at my path, suddenly it was easy.
I think we can apply this to life. Don't get so caught up in our present struggles to the point we're not looking at the overall picture of where we're headed. Wow, this is way more inspirational than the usual JWU I need to write something really stupid. I'll be right back.